Atomic on GICS

Atomic was introduced to the ICS world on November 27, 1995 on the German Internet Chess Server.  Needless to say, the birthplace of atomic was on GICS.  And it was on GICS that the infant game found its first years rich with games and players.  The first masters and eekers came into being at GICS.  And the server has endured for the ages, giving us a glimpse into the past as we gaze upon their fingers.

Those are fingernote files from GICS.  I took the liberty of looking up all the names in the Atomix book to finger them on GICS.  If a name showed up in the book but didn’t show up at GICS that means that the missing handle played Atomix at MEWIS or elsewhere.  GICS was the first atomic community as you can well see from a few fingernotes scattered here and there.  But that doesn’t mean that it was the best community that the internet had to offer.

From the Atomix Book:

Statistics for TrojanKnight (Last disconnected Sat Feb  9 2002, 22:48 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2321     58.2     92     16     13    121   2343 (05-Sep-97)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 2200     65.5     54      6      2     62   2200 (05-Mar-00)
Wild      2059    138.3      7      0      1      8
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    2483     67.5    200     11      5    216   2483 (09-Feb-02)
Suicide   2426    102.2     30      0      0     30   2426 (04-Mar-00)

 1: Hi, I am the latest version of Sjaak, a program by Syzygy.
 2: I play atomic, suicide, wild 5 and normal chess!
 3: Syzygy is my operator and I run on an Athlon 900mhz using xboard.
Statistics for JoelH       (Last disconnected Mon Jul 17 2000, 23:42 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1637     54.0    192    183     33    408   1779 (04-Feb-96)
Standard  1886    116.9     17      2      2     21   1886 (16-Jul-98)
Lightning 1558     46.7    191    272     16    479   1603 (05-Sep-98)
Wild      1607     56.7     48     33      5     86   1652 (05-Mar-96)
Bughouse  1584    118.7     39     67      0    106   1765 (27-Mar-96)
Atomic    2006     60.7    216     52      6    274   2019 (27-May-96)
Suicide   1642    165.8      2      3      0      5

 1: Hallo ! Ich bin Jonas Hoffmann mit der DWZ 1672 :(( Bin ich schlecht
 2: Ich habe Autoflag an , wenn ihr lag habt sagt bescheid
 3: Ich spiele beim Schachklub Fischbach(bei KL) in der Bezirksklasse :(
 5: Wohne in Frankenstein nahe KL , Deutscher Meister 98
 7: Ganz spezielle Gruesse an die Nachtschwaermer bzw. nicht Morgenmuffel :
 8: FCK, esha, Hawkeye, Hastur, AlBundy, Gromit, Buggs, Connex, Knopper
 9: Goethe, Reuben, Vlasov, KipDotter, Lakritz, Maschi, Finster, Helix, Grobi, 
\   ojs, Someone ....
10: SCHNELLSCHACH-ERGEBNIS : JoelH - FRISCHLING remis , ist der so schlecht !!
Statistics for DanceKing   (Last disconnected Tue Feb  2 1999, 12:30 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1626     49.6    184    190     48    422   1695 (18-Jan-96)
Standard  1690    232.0      1      1      0      2
Lightning 1625     76.0      7     19      0     26   1663 (21-Nov-96)
Wild      1772     60.7     30     24      2     56   1828 (14-Dec-95)
Bughouse  1706    271.6      4      4      0      8
Atomic    1594     70.7      7     23      2     32   1653 (29-Apr-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Hi ! I'm Marcus from Darmstadt.
 2: Wanna know more about me ? Check out my homepage
 3: at
 4: I prefer games with no inc. time !
 5: no-play list : Biker
 6: When you hear me say "Tick-Tack", that means you've lost ...
Statistics for Hoff        (Last disconnected Mon Jun 16 1997,  1:58 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1741    106.7      4      7      0     11
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

History for Hoff:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
 2: + 1943 B 1886 Atomix        [ ar  3  12] --- Mat Wed Jan 15 01:26:48 1997
 3: + 1998 W 1839 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Mat Thu Jan 16 23:02:21 1997
 4: + 2036 B 1835 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Mat Thu Jan 16 23:04:30 1997
 5: - 1949 W 1844 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Res Thu Jan 16 23:08:04 1997
 6: - 1885 B 1852 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Mat Thu Jan 16 23:10:37 1997
 7: - 1837 B 1858 Atomix        [ ar 12   3] --- Res Fri Jan 17 23:17:50 1997
 8: - 1800 W 1863 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Mat Fri Jan 17 23:25:03 1997
 9: - 1769 B 1850 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Mat Thu Jan 23 23:14:09 1997
10: - 1741 B 1827 Atomix        [ ar  2  13] --- Mat Sat Mar  8 04:45:57 1997
11: -    0 B 2467 Lichtzahn     [ bu  5   5] B33 Res Mon Jun 16 01:57:52 1997
Statistics for Hangman     (Last disconnected Wed Oct 11 2000, 18:31 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1538     44.2   1436   1748    127   3311   1712 (31-Jan-00)
Standard  1339    151.4      0      9      0      9
Lightning 1493     42.7     89    222      3    314   1525 (15-Aug-96)
Wild      1545     98.0      7      7      0     14
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1815     46.2    379    339     17    735   1948 (05-Nov-96)
Suicide   1758     39.2    605    808     10   1423   1784 (12-Jun-00)
Statistics for Aui         (Last disconnected Wed Mar  2 2005, 20:32 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1973     51.2    487    433     70    990   2027 (18-Apr-97)
Standard  1802     90.9     10      8      3     21   1802 (15-Sep-98)
Lightning 1666     46.0     96    128     17    241   1669 (28-Mar-96)
Wild      1625     96.2     11     10      0     21   1630 (10-Mar-97)
Bughouse  1618    211.5      6     13      0     19
Atomic    1720     47.0     65     67      1    133   1836 (15-Apr-96)
Suicide   1759     81.7     32      5      0     37   1768 (16-Aug-97)

 1:                                      \|/
 2:      H E L L O  from Berlin        '(0^0)'
 3:  _______________________________ooO__(_)__Ooo__
 4: |                                              |
 5: |                     |
 6: |   ************************                   |
 7: |______________________________________________|
 8: .
Statistics for Maschi      (Last disconnected Sat Sep  8 2001, 19:41 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1534     48.2   1073    788     49   1910   1748 (17-Jul-95)
Standard  1537    111.2      6     11      0     17
Lightning 1458     52.0     56    118      7    181   1491 (28-Jan-97)
Wild      1551     73.7     11     24      1     36   1569 (09-Mar-96)
Bughouse  1497    309.0      0      5      0      5
Atomic    1919     52.7   1061    468     16   1545   2092 (06-Apr-97)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: .......I'm Maschi and stoned of life and Beer
 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 3: B curios:
 4: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 5: und jetzt NEU :                                                        
\   Physikalische Denkspiele ;-)
 6: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 7: Was sagt ein arbeitloser Biochemiker zu einem arbeitenden Biochemiker ?
 8: Einmal Pommes rotweiss, bitte.
 9: --------------------------------------------------------------------
10: Mein Team: Wohlfahrt (Reitmaier) - Van Hogdalem, Schoenberg, Trares 
\   (Nijhuis) - Effenberg, Haessler, Hristov, Wagner (Borimirov) - Salou, Elber 
\   (Rink)
Statistics for connex      (Last disconnected Fri Jan 11 2002, 14:06 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1734     51.2    161    406     42    609   1850 (18-Nov-95)
Standard  1666     77.2     14     60      5     79   1666 (18-Dec-95)
Lightning 1626    230.5      0      1      1      2
Wild      1537     58.7     32     64      0     96   1549 (01-Mar-96)
Bughouse  1776    202.5     14     12      0     26   1776 (29-Mar-96)
Atomic    1411    127.0      3     14      0     17
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

Admin Level: Super User

 1: URL
 2: Email:
 3: My best games so far: Win against Vulture and FM lasker, Draw against FM 
\   Solar and rooff
 4: I like JEVER and checkmating casals :o)
 5: 26 Years young, not married, but in love with the most wonderful grl of the 
\   world
 6: I'm providing an online accessible DWZ-List at my Webpages. Have a look
 7: I'm playing chess at the SG Clausthal-Zellerfeld at board 7 in the 
\   "Bezirksliga".
 8: I'm Proctor Miraculix at Xyllomer. ( 3000)
 9: nix
Statistics for saya        (Last disconnected Tue Sep 24 1996, 18:42 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1763     54.8    101    264      7    372   1927 (25-Mar-96)
Standard  1895    180.5      2      3      0      5
Lightning 1277     68.5     11     42      0     53   1414 (28-Mar-96)
Wild      1577     85.5     11     14      0     25   1588 (12-Apr-96)
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1736     46.0    133    138     11    282   1792 (08-May-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Statistics for Pfiffigunde (Last disconnected Thu Dec 27 2001, 11:05 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2285     52.7    124    511     45    680   2317 (07-May-96)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1869     47.7    641   1784    165   2590   1925 (12-Nov-97)
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  1693    342.6      0      1      0      1
Atomic    2228     46.7    817    234     35   1086   2245 (28-Nov-97)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Hallo! Ich bin NICHT die beruehmt-beruechtigte Pfiffigunde!
 2: Ich bin nur Pfiffikus, ein guter Freund  von ihr aus Darmstadt
 3: Pfiffigunde's geistige Mutter ist Babbet Cole...
 4: Pfiffigunde's Kochkuenste sind spitze, s. a. Shirkhan #5 !
Statistics for MrPink      (Last disconnected Sun Jul 30 2000, 21:18 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1533    100.4      5     10      2     17
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1261    199.4      0      3      0      3
Wild      2271    110.7     16      2      0     18
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1817     51.7    134    117     12    263   1926 (04-Jan-97)
Suicide   1955     41.4     86    131      2    219   2319 (30-Sep-97)

 1: Hello all...greetings from Phoenix, Arizona, home of the 1996 Super Bowl, 
\   the Phoenix Suns, and many other things that I'm sure none of you have ever 
\   heard of :)
 2: I am intrigued by the variations of chess on this server, and I am looking 
\   forward to playing them often...if I wanted standard, I'd do it OTB
 3: I apologize for not knowing Deutsch, but I do know English (well duh!)
 4: Talk to me about any hard rock, specifically Metallica, Pantera, Foo 
\   Fighters, Offspring, or many others
 5: Come visit my homepage!!!!  It sucks!! 
\   :)
Statistics for Grobi       (Last disconnected Thu Dec 23 2004, 23:51 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2164     51.1    222    257     46    525   2230 (12-Jun-96)
Standard  1932    304.8      0      0      1      1
Lightning 1704     42.5    251    464     24    739   1846 (07-Oct-97)
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  1775    210.4     11      9      0     20   1775 (04-Oct-96)
Atomic    2252     47.6    651    189     27    867   2253 (17-Dec-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: ************************************************************************** 
\   * The best evidence for intelligent life somewhere existing in space is  * 
\   * that they haven't tried to contact us. (Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes)    *
 2: ************************************************************************** 
\   * NEWS 140 (Tue, Jan 14, WICS): Grobi - first AM title given by MEWIS,   * 
\   * first title ever given automatically by the server.                    *
 3: ************************************************************************** 
\   * Da Hansa die Qualifikation fuer den UEFA-Cup verpasst hat, bekomme ich * 
\   * eine Kiste Veltins von Thunder und ein chin. Essen von Giant Panda.    *
 4: ************************************************************************* 
\   Type [next] to see next page
Statistics for Henk        (Last disconnected Fri Aug 29 1997, 15:26 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1606     47.7    352    403     48    803   1643 (20-Jun-97)
Standard  1818    242.5      1      1      0      2
Lightning 1395    199.5      0      4      0      4
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1919     53.5     79    154      0    233   1925 (24-Apr-97)
Suicide   1671     89.9      6     22      0     28   1724 (27-Aug-97)

 1: :)
 2: i never played chess in a competition, only for fun
 3: i like atomic, by the way
 4: :)
Statistics for climbim     (Last disconnected Mon Aug 26 1996, 16:03 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1992     61.2     22     39      4     65   1992 (17-Jul-96)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1836    189.5      1      2      1      4
Wild      1804    119.5      3      5      1      9
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    2049     96.7     13      8      1     22   2089 (28-May-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: climbim - do not mistake for klimbim!
 2: married with ingrid
 3: old friend and admirer of (+) gm lev polugajevsky
 4: frequently shouting "maul!" or "och och...!"
 5: fan of werder bremen
 6: favourite opening: sicilian dragon
 7: prefered holiday place: malediven islands
 8: personal luck number: 17
Statistics for einsnull    (Last disconnected Fri Jan 14 2005, 13:18 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1949     43.5    497    748    110   1355   2204 (09-Apr-96)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1877     43.7    195    209     21    425   1905 (02-Oct-97)
Wild      1649    109.0      2      7      2     11
Bughouse  1496    306.6      0      5      0      5
Atomic    1968     44.7    151     89     10    250   2036 (30-Oct-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Statistics for Scar        (Last disconnected Mon May  3 1999, 23:49 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1495     48.4     87    215     12    314   1528 (01-Nov-96)
Standard  1558    290.1      0      1      0      1
Lightning 1432    141.9      1      7      0      8
Wild      1750     47.2     48     54      4    106   1788 (19-Dec-95)
Bughouse  1299    265.3      1      7      0      8
Atomic    1619     58.2     25     48      1     74   1710 (20-May-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Scar is a 14-year-old lion
 2: After having bad luck with his kingdom ...
 3: ... he tries playing chess
Statistics for Nightrider  (Last disconnected Wed Dec 16 1998, 14:52 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1590     49.5    689    851     85   1625   1788 (30-Oct-96)
Standard  1542    257.6      0      1      0      1
Lightning 1467     52.2     44     92      3    139   1484 (24-Oct-96)
Wild      1327     70.7      7     30      2     39   1367 (06-Mar-96)
Bughouse  1640    169.5     11     25      0     36   1769 (16-Apr-96)
Atomic    1826     49.7    148    146      7    301   1848 (24-Jun-96)
Suicide   1873     40.7    405    473     22    900   1961 (20-Aug-97)

 1: Peter Schaefer; Born in '69; Schachclub Fischbach; DWZ 1831
 4: ********************************************************
 5: * Der Schachclub Fischbach ist jetzt im Internet       *
 6: *                   *
 7: * e-mail:                            *
 8: * Tragen Sie sich in unser Gaestebuch ein !            *
 9: ********************************************************
10: Ein Nightrider (Nachtreiter) ist eine Figur aus dem Maerchenschach: 
\ ... ich bin 
\   NICHT und war NIE Hasselhoff-Fan !!
Statistics for esha        (Last disconnected Thu Oct 26 2000, 18:30 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2252     49.2    228    275    120    623   2369 (12-Oct-95)
Standard  2025     62.1     12     28     10     50   2041 (28-Jan-96)
Lightning 1777     45.2     54     69      9    132   1820 (27-Mar-96)
Wild      2111     54.7    149     33     11    193   2181 (29-Feb-96)
Bughouse  2410    134.8     86     22      1    109   2501 (15-Apr-96)
Atomic    2175     63.7     97      9      5    111   2321 (26-Mar-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Stefan Hamm aus Asperg. Spielleiter des Schachbezirks Unterland.
 2: Ich spiele auch gerne ATOMIC, BUGHOUSE und sonstige WILD GAMES!
 3: Besondere Gruesse an: Alibaba, Buggs, connex, eardrum, EinsNull, finster, 
\   Freia, Frischling, Grobi, Gronk, hape, Hawkeye, Idefix, Jay, JoelH, 
\   JohnLennon, Jonn, Knopper, Leonid, Lomax, MrMister, Pfiffigunde, Reuben, 
\   scuush, smithers, SODOM, uvo, vasili und Vlasov(BGM).
 4: Ich bin nicht mehr an der Uni und habe momentan auch keine vernuenftige 
\   Internetverbindung, deshalb werde ich nur noch selten hier zu sehen sein 
\   :-(
Statistics for MrMister    (Last disconnected Tue Nov 23 2004, 17:24 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1948     52.0   1644   1210    311   3165   2103 (05-Feb-96)
Standard  2265    107.4     25      3      4     32   2276 (08-Jul-97)
Lightning 1752     53.0    650    456     99   1205   1831 (21-Aug-96)
Wild      2092     54.0    235     45      5    285   2133 (20-Feb-96)
Bughouse  1700    232.3      7      9      0     16
Atomic    2118     74.9     67      6      3     76   2151 (26-Apr-96)
Suicide   1795    280.8      2      0      0      2

 1: Sex ist wie Skat. Wenn man eine gute Hand hat, braucht man keinen Partner!
 2: Meine Identitaet aendert sich in letzter Zeit staendig...
 3: Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity!
 4: Geht die Sonne auf im Westen, musst Du Deinen Kompass testen!!
 5: Hast Du Glueck im Spiel, hast Du Geld fuer die Liebe!
 6: Heiraten ist der Sieg der Frauen ueber den gesunden Maennerverstand...
 7: Wer frueher stirbt ist laenger tot!
 8: Die Schweine von heute sind die Schinken von morgen!
 9: same handle on FICS
10: Ricky Williams rulez!
Statistics for battle      (Last disconnected Mon May 22 2000, 12:59 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2223     58.1     62     88      6    156   2238 (30-Jun-96)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1754     52.3    711   1667    117   2495   1838 (02-May-00)
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  1814    337.6      1      0      0      1
Atomic    2114     45.7    228     65      5    298   2133 (24-May-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Statistics for Fruchtzwerg (Last disconnected Thu Jun 27 1996, 14:04 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1549     49.3    169    376     33    578   1617 (23-Feb-96)
Standard  1623    196.5      1      2      0      3
Lightning 1361     86.5      4     16      0     20   1361 (11-Jun-96)
Wild      1632     50.7     59    107      6    172   1671 (20-Jan-96)
Bughouse  1660    338.8      0      1      0      1
Atomic    1620     52.5     26     48      1     75   1722 (12-Apr-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Statistics for Syzygy      (Last disconnected Fri Feb 21 2003, 22:40 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1620     54.1    175     57      8    240   1640 (11-Jul-97)
Standard  1783    304.5     21      0      0     21   1783 (03-Aug-97)
Lightning 1276     43.2    236     72      5    313   1736 (10-Oct-96)
Wild      1728    235.8      5      2      0      7
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1831     58.1     33     30      2     65   1901 (17-Feb-97)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Statistics for Lindam      (Last disconnected Fri Aug 20 1999,  1:56 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2080     49.1    194    341     48    583   2441 (10-Nov-95)
Standard  2169     82.7     20     10      2     32   2258 (26-Oct-95)
Lightning 1839     49.2    105    154     17    276   1928 (15-Apr-96)
Wild      2284    137.8     23      0      0     23   2284 (15-Nov-95)
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1696     84.0      6     14      3     23   1707 (19-Apr-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Ingo Lindam, 2063 DWZ
 2: SV Horrem 48 / SVM Oberliga (= 4th german division)
 3: ZERES GmbH Bochum - computer scientist
 4: _____________________________________________________________
 7: _____________________________________________________________
Statistics for Gromit      (Last disconnected Fri Nov  2 2001, 22:46 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1651     51.2    556    556     67   1179   1999 (25-Oct-95)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1623     48.2    243    327     42    612   1798 (16-Apr-96)
Wild      1592     82.5      8     19      0     27   1595 (27-Jan-96)
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1605    116.4      3      8      1     12
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Here is my very own page on the web:
Statistics for Buettel     (Last disconnected Sat Feb 27 1999,  0:59 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1642     63.2    120     58      8    186   1848 (10-Oct-96)
Standard  1783    294.1      1      0      0      1
Lightning 1526    125.0      1     10      1     12
Wild      1462    214.0      0      2      0      2
Bughouse  1487    293.1      0      7      0      7
Atomic    1862     46.6    244    249     25    518   1908 (31-Mar-97)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Buettel ist in Wahrheit Thomas Welzel, 26
 2: Ich bin Physiker aus Chemnitz - der Innovationsmetropole Sachsens
 3: Habe seit Jahren nicht mehr aktiv gespielt
 4: Mag am liebsten 5 0
 5: TIMESEAL + AUTOFLAG sind (normalerweise) ON
Statistics for QueenMaster (Last disconnected Tue May 28 2002, 17:13 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2007     48.6   1546   1530    152   3228   2167 (21-Oct-96)
Standard  2040    124.5      7      2      1     10
Lightning 1896     37.2   3673   4155    430   8258   2082 (08-Nov-00)
Wild      2179    104.2     13      3      0     16
Bughouse  1228    210.0      2     14      0     16
Atomic    1613     77.5      6     35      1     42   1646 (23-Dec-96)
Suicide   1410    109.9      1     22      0     23   1419 (09-Apr-98)
Statistics for Piropiro    (Last disconnected Fri Sep 12 2003,  9:37 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1793     49.0     51     84      3    138   1825 (09-Jan-97)
Standard  2263    273.3      2      0      0      2
Lightning 1308    290.6      0      1      0      1
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1666    104.5      4     11      0     15
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: I'm not German, speak English
Statistics for all         (Last disconnected Thu Feb 11 1999, 13:50 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1389     45.7   1289   2110     89   3488   1549 (10-Oct-97)
Standard  1578     94.5      7      9      1     17
Lightning 2012     65.5     34     18      0     52   2037 (02-Jun-97)
Wild      1256    254.8      0      1      1      2
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1283     61.2      9    108      2    119   1387 (30-Aug-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: greetings to all ;-)
Statistics for Tomate      (Last disconnected Sat Jan 11 2003, 17:44 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1732     41.6    431    459     80    970   2055 (12-Mar-96)
Standard  1867    282.8      1      0      0      1
Lightning 1550     43.7    132    282     22    436   1759 (27-Jun-96)
Wild      1728     78.0     13     18      1     32   1746 (05-Mar-96)
Bughouse  1917    210.3     11      9      0     20   1917 (27-Jun-96)
Atomic    1866     72.7     16     14      0     30   1902 (28-Aug-96)
Suicide   1492    252.0      0      1      0      1

 1: Nachdenken ist Glueckssache
 2: Ich bin eine Bio-Tomate (kba)
Statistics for HASTUR      (Last disconnected Mon Mar 28 2005, 16:53 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1906     46.1   1336   1053    207   2596   2362 (09-Jan-96)
Standard  2104     82.5     95      7      2    104   2237 (07-Oct-95)
Lightning 1769     44.5   1306   1210    202   2718   2014 (16-Sep-96)
Wild      2014     52.2    109     55      3    167   2249 (08-Aug-95)
Bughouse  1520    148.5     14     26      1     41   1714 (08-Jan-97)
Atomic    1766     51.0     84     92      7    183   1889 (19-Apr-96)
Suicide   1298    130.5      0     21      0     21   1333 (01-Jun-98)

 1: Auch Hastur war dabei beim inzwischen schon legendaeren GICS-Treffen in 
\   Duesseldorf am  5.1.96 ! Spezielle Gruesse an dieser Stelle an Eardrum, 
\   BWLer, Church, Smithers, Goethe, Frischling, Peace, Lomax, Torsten
 2: Leute, die mir mit ihrem "thx" oder "thanks" oder "danke" nach jeder Partie 
\   auf den Sack gehen, kommen auf die Noplay-Liste! Spiele nur 2 0, 3 0 oder 5 
\   0! Ich falgge immer, ausser Gegner sagt mir explizit, dass er Lag hat!
 5: Very good LPs lately: Strafe: Henry mit dem Spaten, Einleben: Bunt, 
\   Knochenfabrik, Fliehende Stuerme: Fallen, Die ART: Still, Aeronauten: Musik
 6: Noch mehr coole Musik: Kirsti: Ein Student aus Uppsala, Wencke Myrhe: Eine 
\   Mark fuer Charly, Connie Francis: Meine Reise ist zu Ende, Siw Malmquist: 
\   Kuesse nie nach Mitternacht, France Gall: Eine bisschen Goethe
 7: Neues von ALBERTEINSTEIN: Ausgehverbot aus der Irrenanstalt! Ansonsten: 
 8: 32 year old physicist working on the Y2K-Problem travelling all over the 
\   world
 9: Nachdem hier anscheinend jeder das Beduerfnis hat, einen ultraschwachen, 
\   uralten Kalauer zum besten zu geben, will ich das hiermit auch tun:
10: "Ach kuck mal, da kommt dein Mann mit einem riesigen Blumenstrauss!" "Ohje, 
\   da muss ich heute abend wieder die Beine breit machen!" "Ja wieso, habt ihr 
\   denn keine Blumenvasen?"
Statistics for Emil        (Last disconnected Tue May 27 1997, 19:56 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1480     42.3   1416   1248     74   2738   1636 (01-Apr-97)
Standard  1896    108.5     10      4      1     15
Lightning 1339    111.4      3     16      1     20   1339 (29-Apr-97)
Wild      1485    254.0      0      1      0      1
Bughouse  1362    252.8      4      7      0     11
Atomic    1586     52.0     95    187      8    290   1742 (06-May-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Hi, Daaach oooch! My name is Uwe Mueller and I come from Germany.
 2: I study Business Computing at the University of Cologne.
 3: email:
 4: I'm not a member of an chess club or something else. ELO: 0, DWZ: 0 ....  
\   :)
 5: I didn't play chess in the last 15 years (03-20-96) ...
 6: Therefore I play quite bad ... but I have fun!
 7: I don't know the theories of openings ...
 8: I like to play 5 10 or more matches, atomics are welcome ...
 9: I don't like lightnings. I 've never tried Bughouse but I like it.
10: rated
Statistics for Vlasov      (Last disconnected Fri Nov 20 1998, 14:26 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2010     52.7    142    210     57    409   2116 (01-Mar-96)
Standard  2050    121.7     12      2      2     16
Lightning 1743     48.2     70     76      9    155   1833 (18-Jul-96)
Wild      2122    107.5     22      2      1     25   2122 (05-Sep-96)
Bughouse  2404    235.5     26      0      0     26   2404 (28-Mar-96)
Atomic    2081     46.7     83     31      8    122   2092 (20-Aug-96)
Suicide   1544    215.5      0      3      0      3

 1: Vlasov ist nach ueber 2 Jahren Abstinenz wieder auferstanden.
 2: Danke an OliB
 3: Wer kennt mich noch von frueher ?
Statistics for MiRU        (Last disconnected Sun Feb 27 2005,  0:26 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1921     53.2    947    474     85   1506   2125 (02-Feb-98)
Standard  2039    292.3      1      0      0      1    514 (14-Jun-98)
Lightning 1901     47.7    465    145     19    629   2003 (01-Aug-96)
Wild      1769     74.9     14     12      5     31   1769 (04-Feb-99)
Bughouse  2097     72.4    278    102      1    381   2175 (05-Jul-00)
Atomic    2028     49.5    155     85      8    248   2037 (06-May-04)
Suicide   1845    107.9     12      7      0     19

 1: .
 3: .
 4: " 2: playing for points is like having sex to get children" (noop)
 5: .
 6: .
 7: .
Statistics for Frank       (Last disconnected Mon Sep 25 2000, 20:45 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1855     46.2    111     62     17    190   1906 (08-May-98)
Standard  1794    297.8      1      0      0      1
Lightning 1659    189.9      3      2      0      5
Wild      1720    290.1      0      0      1      1
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1617    162.0      1      4      1      6
Suicide   1381    188.8      0      3      0      3

 1: Hallo, ich heisse Frank Hablizel und komme aus Reutlingen
 2: und spiele dort fuer den SV Reutlinger in der Landesliga
 4: Viele Gruesse an Jeannie
Statistics for Harald      (Last disconnected Fri Mar  3 2000, 13:32 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1891     47.2    772    645    112   1529   1910 (26-Feb-97)
Standard  1863    146.3      4      7      0     11
Lightning 1652     43.7    138    222     23    383   1672 (30-Apr-96)
Wild      1739     79.0     14     19      2     35   1752 (29-Apr-97)
Bughouse  1372    156.0     14     43      1     58   1442 (19-Apr-96)
Atomic    1546    128.9      2      7      1     10
Suicide   1704    220.5      1      2      0      3

 1: Ich bin momentan 25 Lenze gealtert
 2: Mein Spitzname ist das Schaf, hoffentlich trifft das nicht
 3: charackterlich zu!
 4: Ich spiele furchtbar Normalschach und Computerschach, aber
 5: Im Fernschach bin gar nicht so schlecht......
 6: Diplomarbeit ist inzwischen fast fertig, bald wird getippt...
 7: Ein Tip fuer Eingeweihte: finger Harald eroeffnet das Tor zu eineeuen recht 
\   eindimensionalen Welt
Statistics for Someone     (Last disconnected Tue Jul  9 1996,  1:45 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1817     45.3     77     92     13    182   1830 (24-May-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Physics Student and Computer Geek !
 2: I prefer to play atomic.
 3: Visit my mud Darkside:
 4: telnet 6666
Statistics for alexx       (Last disconnected Sat Apr 21 2001,  1:52 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1264     84.2      8     22      1     31   1276 (10-Jun-97)
Standard  1689    324.3      0      1      0      1
Lightning 1428    115.7      2     17      0     19
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1723     49.6     32     72      1    105   1813 (06-Nov-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: mostly on 5000
 2: homepage
 3: greetings :)
Statistics for Pirol       (Last disconnected Sun Sep 29 1996, 12:51 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1867     51.8     45     73     14    132   2084 (27-Oct-95)
Standard  1645    167.5      1      4      0      5
Lightning 1521     59.7     10     48      4     62   1631 (06-Sep-96)
Wild      1696    145.5      2      4      0      6
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1776    110.5      5      6      0     11
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Desperately seeking Atan !
gics% hist pirol
History for Pirol:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
21: + 1556 W 1596 ojs           [ lr  2   0] A00 Res Wed Sep 11 15:21:11 1996
22: - 1546 B 1603 ojs           [ lr  2   0] C11 Fla Wed Sep 11 15:25:25 1996
23: - 1537 W 1609 ojs           [ lr  2   0] D00 Fla Wed Sep 11 15:30:09 1996
24: - 1529 B 1615 ojs           [ lr  2   0] C01 Fla Wed Sep 11 15:35:01 1996
25: - 1521 W 1620 ojs           [ lr  2   0] A41 Fla Wed Sep 11 15:40:05 1996
26: = 1865 W 1924 sleipner      [ br  5   0] A00 Rep Wed Sep 11 15:49:23 1996
27: = 1866 B 1923 sleipner      [ br  5   0] A00 Rep Wed Sep 11 15:58:40 1996
28: - 1861 W 1972 blindblitz    [ br  5   4] A00 Res Wed Sep 11 16:13:22 1996
29: - 1861 B    0 budapest      [ bu  2  12] A05 Res Wed Sep 11 16:24:45 1996
30: = 1867 W 2256 Doppelwhopper [ br  2  12] A48  50 Sun Sep 29 12:46:55 1996
Statistics for BelfastChild (Last disconnected Mon Jan 27 1997, 11:32 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1205    311.8      0      1      0      1
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1356     61.7     10    207      0    217   1431 (09-Jan-97)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

Eekers of GICS

Statistics for bretti      (Last disconnected Sun May  5 2002, 16:22 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2106     46.1    782    745    177   1704   2539 (19-Oct-95)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 2004     45.7    136     98     24    258   2080 (31-Oct-96)
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  2253    174.9     38      7      1     46   2416 (07-May-96)
Atomic    1938     60.5     29     26      2     57   2041 (02-Apr-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Nenn mich einfach bretti
 2: Ich bin ein flag-Freund ;)
 3: takeback-Anfragen usw. sind ZEITVERSCHWENDUNG
 4: Ausnahmen hoechstens fuer Titeltraeger
 5: Kurze Zeiten bevorzugt - gern 3 0 bis 5 0
 6: ... Tandem ist auch oft angesagt!
 7: Herzliche Gruesse an die Schach - frucht!
 8: Hallo LuckyR, Sternchen (***), Cosi und DoctorB
 9: ELO 2265, DWZ 2243
Statistics for DoubleSolid (Last disconnected Mon Sep 11 2000, 17:49 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2382     55.2    383    153     48    584   2382 (16-Oct-98)
Standard  2323     74.2     24      4      2     30   2323 (21-Sep-98)
Lightning 2301     56.7    499     57     19    575   2495 (16-Oct-98)
Wild      2120     57.7     67      9      3     79   2120 (21-Sep-98)
Bughouse  1733    104.7     36     26      0     62   1883 (29-Jan-98)
Atomic    2307     59.1    411      5      1    417   2405 (23-Sep-98)
Suicide   2382     51.2    573    213      3    789   2382 (17-Aug-98)

 1: Nach einer Reihe von terroristischen Bemerkungen hier ein paar Brocken fuer 
\   die note-Suechtigen
 2: Mit einer Patzer-DWZ von derzeit 2138 bin ich bei einem grossen Verein in 
\   einer kleinen Stadt im Nordosten untergekommen. Beruflich befasse ich mich 
\   an der HU Berlin mit Mathematik.
 3: "DoubleSolid" kennzeichnet zum einen meinen vorsichtigen Stil ...
 4: ... zum anderen ist es der mathematische Insiderbegriff fuer eine ungeheuer 
\   interessante Klasse von algebraischen Dreifaltigkeiten.
 5: Weitergehendes Interesse dafuer kann mit algebraischer Geometrie nicht 
\   unter lebenslaenglich bestraft werden (so be careful if you ask me !) - 
\   Gruesse an die AG in K`lautern (Pfister, Greuel, Kreussler etc.)
 6: Inzwischen sind die Erfolge des VfL Blau-Weiss so zahlreich, dass sie nicht 
\   mehr in diese note passen; deshalb gibt es jetzt die Seite 
\  -  trotzdem gilt 
\   hier weiter: Rule Neukloster, Neukloster rule the board !
 7: Die Welt entstand, als Gott versuchte, die kosmologische Singularitaet 
\   durch Aufblasen aufzuloesen - aber konnte er eine positive Charakteristik 
\   ausschliessen ?
 8: Allmaehlich geraet DoubleSolid in die Rank-Falle: Er ist dermassen 
\   overrated, dass er sich kaum noch ein rated game traut ! Schluchz !
 9: Gruesse an: DoctorB, *chen, bretti, JensT, Reyer, arv, Rudi
10: DoubleSolid goes Guiness book - 1.Runde Landesmeisterschaft MV DoubleSolid 
\   vs. arv remis nach 300 Zuegen !
Statistics for Helenep     (Last disconnected Wed Feb 16 2005, 22:39 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1707     52.1     77     54      9    140   1786 (21-Sep-01)
Standard  1980    186.5      6      0      0      6
Lightning 1563     65.7     26     17      2     45   1571 (22-May-01)
Wild      1822    262.0      5      0      0      5
Bughouse  1872    205.0     12      3      0     15
Atomic    1744     67.7     55     16      2     73   1744 (07-Oct-03)
Suicide   1664     93.5     19      6      0     25   1664 (06-Oct-01)

 1: killhatz(1860) kibitzes: gegen dich brauch ich nciht die vollen 3 min
 2: killhatz shouts: HARHARHAR
 3: [killhatz checkmated.]
 4: killhatz tells you: fresse
 5: ****
 6: Ich habe Angst vor schachspielenden Blauwalen
 7: Ich befuerchte, dass sie meinen Koenig im tiefen Meer matt setzen
 8: Hast Du jemals einen Blauwal mit einer Gabel genommen?
 9: Die Blauwalzentrale, jaaaaaaaaaa!
10: Haben Angestellte von Lipton Kaffeepausen?
Statistics for jaja        (Last disconnected Wed Jan 12 2005, 17:03 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     2003     51.1   1029   1970    475   3474   2143 (12-Sep-96)
Standard  1834    258.6      1      0      0      1
Lightning 1943     50.3    503    500     72   1075   1968 (01-Dec-03)
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  1777    315.0      1      1      0      2
Atomic    2011     44.0    245    111     10    366   2011 (21-Dec-98)
Suicide   1550    102.2     10     11      0     21   1557 (11-Jan-02)

 1: Diese Note ist nur fuer Reuben
 2: Bin nun in Aachen gelandet
 3: jaja mag keine Leute die ohne Gewinnausichten nur auf Zeit spielen...
 4: ... spielt nicht mehr gegen Computer, die Todremisstellungen nicht Remis 
\   geben
 5: ... spielt nicht gegen Noteslose!
 6: Mein Xboard tut es mittlerweile prima. Neu Uni neuer Rechner neues Xboard. 
\   Was will man mehr;-)
 7: Fuer alle die Notes 5 nicht verstehen: NONOTES=NOPLAY
 8: Gruesse an die Notes-Waechter Tigra+Piglet (bei Gelegenheit gibts einen 
\   Orden:-)
Statistics for Mirror      On for: 20 mins   Idle: 0 secs

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1666    109.5     21      5      3     29   1721 (12-Oct-99)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning  666     37.1      2    664      0    666   1030 (12-Oct-99)
Wild      2289    121.7     20      0      0     20   2289 (21-May-01)
Bughouse  1852    212.0      8      2      0     10
Atomic    2177    144.5     32      0      0     32   2177 (23-Jul-02)
Suicide   1666     39.2     47     59      0    106   1778 (25-Apr-01)

Total time on-line: 14 hrs, 45 mins, 22 secs
% of life on-line:  0.03  (since Tue Oct 12 00:16:02 1999)

Timeseal   : Off

 1: Can someone teach me how to play wild and atomic? I suck at both.
 2: % of life on-line:  0.04  (since Tue Oct 12 00:16:02 1999)
Statistics for PeerTheer   (Last disconnected Mon May 31 2004, 21:13 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1903     48.8   3902   2346    651   6899   2231 (27-Feb-96)
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 1862     52.2    238    176     44    458   1929 (24-Jun-96)
Wild      1807     94.4     13      8      1     22   1820 (04-Mar-96)
Bughouse  2067     73.7    247    105      0    352   2193 (31-Oct-97)
Atomic    1854     67.7     21     20      1     42   1932 (09-Sep-96)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 2: heute: Skateboard [engl.-amerik.] das; -s, -s: als Spiel- und Sportgeraet 
\   dienendes Brett auf vier federnd gelagerten Rollen, mit dem man sich 
\   stehend [mit Abstossen] fortbewegt u. das nur durch Gewichtsverlagerung 
\   gesteuert wird. (Fremdwoerter-Duden)
 4: To do is to be.  -- A. Sartre                                               
\   To be is to do.  -- I. Kant                                                 
\   Yabba-Dabba-Doo! -- F. Flintstone
 5: Do be do be do.  -- F. Sinatra                                              
\   note 8: (c) Grobi
 6: Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.             
\   -- Groucho Marx
 7: Type [next] to see next page.
Statistics for PinkFloyd   (Last disconnected Wed Apr  6 2005, 15:30 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1382     51.8   1931   1697    230   3858   1568 (01-Feb-99)
Standard  1930    213.3      4      0      0      4
Lightning 1364     55.0    243    283     13    539   1482 (21-Nov-97)
Wild      1349    282.3      0      1      0      1
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1981     48.1     98     66      7    171   2309 (28-Nov-97)
Suicide   1723     54.7    222    169      1    392   1779 (26-Aug-98)

 1: GO TO HELL!!!!!
 2: liste rein punktegeiler spieler: gronk
 3: Spieler die nur auf austausch aus sind : Determinarius, Moosmutz, 
\   DerNudelmann
 4: Leute die einfach nur mies sind : SingenderGeier
Statistics for Schorle     (Last disconnected Mon Apr  4 2005, 21:51 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1570     53.7    854    581     70   1505   1614 (12-Feb-98)
Standard  1903     83.9     28      6      0     34   1903 (08-Feb-02)
Lightning 1690     46.5    291    160     22    473   1690 (07-Feb-02)
Wild      1832     47.7    176    113      1    290   1832 (28-Mar-02)
Bughouse  1952     70.4    823    612      3   1438   1965 (18-Feb-02)
Atomic    2112     57.7    620    162      5    787   2112 (03-Feb-02)
Suicide   1734     50.5    137    102      3    242   1870 (28-Jul-97)

 1: Bughouse, sonst kommt nix in die Tuete!!!
Statistics for trottel     (Last disconnected Mon Dec  8 2003,  7:58 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1625     47.9   6089   2578    410   9077   2010 (19-Aug-97)
Standard  1815    165.5      2      3      0      5
Lightning 1682     56.6    420    433     59    912   1787 (01-Sep-98)
Wild      1908     58.7     65     27      1     93   1917 (07-Mar-96)
Bughouse  1470    192.5      7     20      0     27   1470 (19-Aug-99)
Atomic    2119     88.7     31      3      1     35   2119 (04-Aug-97)
Suicide   1755     38.7    137    159      1    297   1858 (22-Aug-97)

 1: ich mache jede menge fehler...
 2: wenn ich nachdenken will arbeite ich was
 3: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 4: Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
 5: Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bullshit before.
 6: The earth has no gravity... It just sucks
 7: A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking.
 8: ----------------------------------------------------------------
 9: lightning --> autoflag
Statistics for Vertical    (Last disconnected Thu Jun 20 2002, 19:51 CEST):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1648     46.7    508    393     49    950   1677 (24-Apr-97)
Standard  1838    167.0      3      3      0      6
Lightning 1461     53.2     37     85      5    127   1464 (17-Nov-98)
Wild      1574     73.9     17     27      2     46   1574 (29-Feb-96)
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    2219    110.4     37      0      0     37   2219 (17-Apr-96)
Suicide   1804    274.6      1      0      0      1

 1: Moin ihr Nasen.
 2: Nix neues hier.
 4: * * *** **  *** *  **  *  *
 5: * * **  **   *  * *   *** *
 6:  *  *** * *  *  *  ** * * ***
 8: Leute aus SB: Ishamon Road Faulpelz VMM and myself
Statistics for JAG         (Last disconnected Sun Mar  3 2002, 16:53 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1811    106.5      6      5      1     12
Standard  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Lightning 2029    210.0      2      0      0      2
Wild      ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1994     61.4     96     20      1    117   2000 (09-Feb-02)
Suicide   ----    350.0      0      0      0      0

 1: Same lovable JAG on A-FICS and MEWIS
 2: I basically speak no German...sorry
 3: I enjoy the variant atomic...let's have a go at it!
 4: If you enjoy atomic chess, you might want to check out MEWIS, a chess 
\   server which also specializes in chess variants: 5555
 5: Die Siedler von Catan!!!!
 6: Atomic Chess tournaments at 19:00 MET on Saturdays on MEWIS...hope to see 
\   you there!
Statistics for tanstaafl   (Last disconnected Tue Dec 19 2000, 22:35 CET):

         rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz     1882     55.0     36     39      2     77   2038 (22-Oct-96)
Standard  1739    332.0      2      0      0      2
Lightning 1677     49.1     26     64     10    100   1712 (30-Aug-98)
Wild      1632    275.6      0      1      0      1
Bughouse  ----    350.0      0      0      0      0
Atomic    1716     73.9     35     16      1     52   1847 (22-Oct-96)
Suicide   1679     72.0     34      8      0     42   1688 (01-Apr-98)

 1: c-shouts: join Die Blackmar Diemer Gemeinde
 2: kibitzes: 1.d4 d5 2.e4!
 3: whispers: good move
 4: tells you: Im from Denmark
 5: Salutes Doozer, Thunderstorm, MiRU, OnkelBanane, JohnLennon und aui
 6: declines 2 0
 7: --> tanstaafl rocks da house
 8: tanstaafl(255): I am not cmuzzled anymore!!
 9: [tanstaafl] added to the cmuzzle list.

One response to “Atomic on GICS”

  1. […] was an old player at GICS (German Internet Chess Server).  GICS is where atomic was first introduced in 1995 and Vlasov was […]

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