Atomic on MEWIS

I haven’t been able to find as many files as I thought I had from MEWIS – but what little I do have is preserved here to share with others.  I’ve managed to secure an old atomic best list from MEWIS and the finger files of a few notable players from this period in atomic history.  As I find other files (we can only hope!), I will continue to add them to this section.  For the meantime though, you’ll have to be satisfied with what meager lines of data I’ve been able to restore here:

Here’s the atomic best list on MEWIS as of sometime around Feburary 1, 2003 (for some reason, I don’t have Helenep’s finger):


  1. Helenep(AGM) 2506
  2. Grasdraaier( 2322
  3. MrNobody(AGM 2312
  4. Javil(FM)(AM 2310
    —- Chronatog(CL 2296
  5. Skeena 2279
  6. Grobi(AM) 2271
  7. TrojanKnight 2242
  8. spooky 2121
  9. andres 2117
  10. Ebenfelt(FM) 2090
    Tomcat 2090
  11. emperor 2060
    Gummo 2060
  12. knighttour(F 2059
  13. TheDude 2049
  14. Lena 2046
  15. MiRU 2042
  16. Fredde 2000
  17. JAG 1991
Statistics for Grasdraaier(AM)(AC)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1775    100.7      3     16      1     20   1775 (20-Aug-99)
Lightning  1746     85.5     13     12      0     25   1827 (03-Aug-99)
Quantum    1880    259.0      1      0      0      1   1880 (26-Apr-98)
Classical  2135     71.9     37     10      1     48   2210 (10-Aug-99)
Bughouse   1855    154.8     29     19      0     48   2057 (27-Jun-98)
Crazyhouse 1995     33.1     97     53      0    150   2145 (05-May-98)
Atomic     2322     35.0     97     49     14    160   2342 (26-Jun-98)
Suicide    1905     99.0     10      8      0     18
Random     2124    197.8      4      0      0      4
Wild       2309    180.2      7      0      0      7

(Last disconnected Mon Oct 16, 17:39 MET DST 2000):
Grasdraaier is the MEWIS Atomic Champion.

 1: Hey wild players!
 3: read news 59 and join the team!
 4: .
 5: type [next] to see next page
Statistics for MrNobody(AGM)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1817     44.3     34     45      5     84   1835 (27-Jun-98)
Standard   1789    235.8      1      1      0      2
Lightning  1917    222.5      4      0      0      4
Quantum    1511    145.7      2      6      0      8
Bughouse   1600    199.6     10     12      0     22   1631 (30-Aug-98)
Crazyhouse 1766     41.0     71     49      1    121   1772 (25-Apr-98)
Atomic     2312     33.0    292     70     25    387   2402 (02-Aug-98)
Suicide    1458    179.3      1     19      0     20   1458 (04-Aug-98)
Random     2036     91.4     19      7      2     28   2075 (25-Nov-98)
FR         1899     90.1     16      6      1     23   1899 (30-Nov-98)
Wild       1956    158.0      4      1      1      6

(Last disconnected Wed Jul  5,  0:41 MET DST 2000):
Full Name  : Tomas Micanek
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 2

 1: You are the 13333th player visiting this server.
mewis% hist mrnobody
History for MrNobody:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
 1: + 2323 B 1759 Atomix        [ ar  5   5] --- Mat Sun Jun 27 20:35:30 1999
 2: + 2324 W 1758 Atomix        [ ar  5   5] --- Mat Sun Jun 27 20:43:57 1999
 3: + 2325 B 1757 Atomix        [ ar  5   5] --- Mat Sun Jun 27 20:54:53 1999
 4: + 2326 W 1756 Atomix        [ ar  5   5] --- Mat Sun Jun 27 20:58:08 1999
 5: - 2311 W 1773 Atomix        [ ar  5   5] --- Res Sun Jun 27 21:37:56 1999
 6: + 2312 B 1772 Atomix        [ ar  5   5] --- Mat Sun Jun 27 21:41:46 1999
 7: + 1789 B 1154 Rocket        [ su 15  12] C68 Res Mon Aug  2 20:03:32 1999
 8: + 1768 B 1718 pelicon       [pCr  5   0] --- Res Sun Feb 13 20:11:37 2000
 9: - 1759 W 1727 pelicon       [pCr  3   0] --- Res Sun Feb 13 20:15:51 2000
10: + 1766 B 1720 pelicon       [pCr  3   0] --- Mat Sun Feb 13 20:20:33 2000
Statistics for Javil(FM)(AM)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Lightning  1882    290.3      1      0      0      1
Crazyhouse 1789     78.0     12     12      0     24   1789 (01-Aug-98)
Atomic     2310     85.0     29      5      2     36   2347 (08-Jun-98)
Suicide    1770    169.3      2      3      0      5
FR         2018    211.3      2      0      0      2
Thai       1808    163.8      1      2      1      4

(Last disconnected Mon Oct  8, 19:34 MET DST 2001):
Full Name  : John Alexander Viloria
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 1

 1: John Viloria. Hi from New York!
Statistics for Chronatog(*)(CLM)(RGM)(FRM)(LGM)(AGM)(SM)(TGM)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      2038    188.6     20      1      1     22   2188 (10-Jun-00)
Quantum    2666     61.0    169      1      2    172   2666 (09-Oct-99)
Bughouse   1863    302.5      2      2      0      4
Crazyhouse 2280     99.8     25      1      0     26   2308 (08-Feb-00)
Atomic     2296     32.1    146     52      3    201   2422 (01-Oct-00)
Suicide    2359     44.6    132      6     12    150   2359 (04-Sep-00)
Random     2831     83.9    148      3      0    151   2916 (18-May-00)
FR         2266     42.3    135     15      1    151   2277 (10-Apr-00)
Wild       2186    152.7     28      0      0     28   2186 (08-Feb-00)
Thai       2980     99.6    155      0      0    155   2980 (01-Oct-00)

On for     : 8 mins
Idle       : 0 secs
Admin Level: Master Help File Librarian  /  Master Administrator
Full Name  : Nicholas A F Long
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 3

Total time on-line: 4 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 41 seconds
% of life on-line:  0.3  (since Wed Sep 29 03:16:33 1999)

Timeseal   : On
System/OS  : Win32 computer

 1: knighttour tells you: i'm only interested in sex with supermodels.
 2: 7 titles and counting...
 3: on March 30, 2000:  **SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT** from UpTime Daemon: server up 
\   119 days, 0 hours.
Statistics for Skeena

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Bughouse   1551    292.8      1      5      0      6
Crazyhouse 1818    213.6      1      1      0      2
Atomic     2279     85.2     21      3      1     25   2291 (12-Sep-00)

(Last disconnected Tue Jul 24, 12:23 MET DST 2001):
Full Name  : Fabien De Schryver
Address    :
Host       :
Statistics for Grobi(AM)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      2106     60.3     38      8      2     48   2106 (16-Jul-98)
Atomic     2271     57.3     60     10      1     71   2295 (16-Sep-98)

(Last disconnected Wed Nov 10, 21:32 MET 1999):
Full Name  : Rainer Grobbel
Address    :
Host       :

 2: NEWS 140 (Tue, Jan 14, 1997, WICS): Grobi - first AM title given by MEWIS, 
\   first title ever given automatically by the server.

History for Grobi:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
13: + 2266 W 1760 Atomix        [ ar  2   5] --- Mat Tue Nov  3 18:23:04 1998
14: + 2267 B 1759 Atomix        [ ar  2   5] --- Mat Tue Nov  3 18:29:03 1998
15: + 2268 W 1758 Atomix        [ ar  2   5] --- Mat Tue Nov  3 18:36:41 1998
16: + 2269 B 1757 Atomix        [ ar  2   5] --- Mat Tue Nov  3 18:40:50 1998
17: + 2270 W 1756 Atomix        [ ar  2   5] --- Mat Tue Nov  3 18:43:40 1998
18: + 2271 B 1755 Atomix        [ ar  2   5] --- Mat Tue Nov  3 18:47:52 1998
19: + 2271 W 1665 Atomix        [ au  5   0] --- Mat Wed Nov 10 21:16:00 1999
20: + 2271 B 1665 Atomix        [ au  5   0] --- Mat Wed Nov 10 21:22:36 1999
21: + 2271 W 1665 Atomix        [ au  5   0] --- Mat Wed Nov 10 21:27:44 1999
22: + 2271 B 1665 Atomix        [ au  5   0] --- Mat Wed Nov 10 21:31:43 1999
Statistics for TrojanKnight(C)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Quantum    2043    227.2      1      2      0      3
Atomic     2242    100.2     25      0      0     25   2242 (29-Nov-99)
Thai       1705    334.6      0      1      0      1

(Last disconnected Tue Nov 30, 21:05 MET 1999):
Full Name  : Ronald de Man
Address    :
Host       :

 1: Hi, I am the latest version of Sjaak, a program by Syzygy.
 2: Pentium 233 MMX, 128 MB, Linux 2.2.13
 3: On mewis I play regular chess, wild 3/4/5, suicide, atomic and thai.

mewis% hist trojanknight
History for TrojanKnight:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
26: + 2228 W 1832 Ximota        [ ar  6   6] --- Mat Mon Nov 29 03:06:25 1999
27: + 2234 B 1841 Ximota        [ ar  6   6] --- Mat Mon Nov 29 22:04:14 1999
28: + 2236 W 1604 Atomix        [ ar  1   1] --- Mat Mon Nov 29 22:31:26 1999
29: + 2239 W 1703 MPThree       [ ar  5   0] --- Res Mon Nov 29 22:52:12 1999
30: + 2242 B 1702 MPThree       [ ar  5   0] --- Res Mon Nov 29 23:01:13 1999
31: - 1689 W 2224 Chronatog     [ qr  1   0] A41 Fla Mon Nov 29 23:01:26 1999
32: + 2178 B 2210 Chronatog     [ qr  1   0] C20 Fla Mon Nov 29 23:02:46 1999
33: - 2043 W 2217 Chronatog     [ qr  1   0] D06 Fla Mon Nov 29 23:03:04 1999
34: - 1705 B 2368 Chronatog     [ tr  3   0] --- Fla Mon Nov 29 23:13:47 1999
35: + 2242 B    0 diepeveen     [ au  2  12] --- Fla Tue Nov 30 00:56:42 1999
Statistics for spooky

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1842    267.6      2      0      0      2
Lightning  1497    210.9      2      2      0      4
Quantum    1414     87.0      4     14      0     18
Classical  1887    120.9      9      3      0     12
Bughouse   1655    337.6      0      1      0      1
Crazyhouse 1807     31.0    439    250      8    697   1887 (31-Oct-98)
Atomic     2121     29.5    200     48     18    266   2194 (05-Jun-98)
Suicide    1511    207.8      2      2      0      4

(Last disconnected Mon Sep  6, 10:04 MET DST 1999):
Full Name  : chungho chau
Address    :
Host       :

 1: ...
 2: ...
Statistics for andres

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      2016     29.9    178     86     15    279   2041 (22-Oct-99)
Standard   2075     74.5     62      5      0     67   2075 (30-Jul-99)
Lightning  2091     36.4     88     49      5    142   2118 (30-Jul-99)
Quantum    1791     29.8     64    109     15    188   1812 (29-Jul-99)
Classical  1949    108.2     11      6      1     18   1692 (27-Apr-98)
Bughouse   1674    315.7      1      2      0      3
Crazyhouse 1933     30.6     90    101      0    191   2138 (27-Apr-98)
Atomic     2117     48.8     29     19      5     53   2117 (30-Nov-98)
Suicide    1882     90.8      7     10      0     17
Random     2058     83.1     20      8      1     29   2072 (25-Nov-98)
FR         2221    176.4      6      0      0      6
Wild       2085     96.5     16      4      1     21   2085 (19-Oct-99)
Thai       2170    125.4      6      1      2      9   1952 (27-Apr-98)

(Last disconnected Mon Oct 25, 20:58 MET DST 1999):
Full Name  : Andres M. Somoza
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 2
Statistics for Ebenfelt(FM)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      2127     98.7      9      3      1     13
Lightning  2006    167.6      6      0      0      6
Quantum    1708     43.0     21     87      7    115   1771 (06-Jun-98)
Bughouse   1999    212.4     13     11      1     25   2075 (18-Oct-98)
Crazyhouse 2181     30.4    104     94      2    200   2363 (27-Apr-98)
Atomic     2090     53.0     43     19      3     65   2146 (03-May-98)
Suicide    1888    268.2      1      0      0      1
Random     1945    210.5      3      1      0      4
Thai       2141     63.8     38      4     10     52   2141 (23-Sep-99)

(Last disconnected Tue Jan 28, 16:23 MET 2003):
Full Name  : Anders Ebenfelt
Address    :
Host       :

 1: Anders Ebenfelt, Sweden, Fide Master
 2: Best thai-player in the world
 3: Second best Atomic-player in the world
 4: Third best Crazyhouse-player in the world
 5: Fourth best chess-player in the world
 6: well, at least i am a player daring to play rated even if some of my 
\   ratings is too high
 7: too many here don't
 8: Please dont challenge me unrated, its just ridiculous
 9: A server where an admin is a heavy rating cheater is just a joke
Statistics for Tomcat

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1854     32.4    139    106     11    256   1915 (12-Dec-99)
Standard   2079    117.4      8      2      0     10
Lightning  1822     29.8    860    636     74   1570   1822 (22-Dec-99)
Quantum    1665     23.5    226    339     10    575   1685 (29-Oct-99)
Classical  1761     76.4     13     10      0     23   1791 (24-Nov-99)
Crazyhouse 1445     84.4      5     21      0     26   1457 (25-Oct-99)
Atomic     2090     24.5   1203    842     18   2063   2104 (22-Dec-99)
Random     1846     66.7     12     30      1     43   1909 (29-Sep-99)
FR         1805    144.1      5      5      0     10
Wild       1815     88.7     13      6      0     19
Thai       1674    306.3      0      1      0      1

(Last disconnected Sat Apr  7, 22:32 MET DST 2001):
Full Name  : Laird Heal
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 1

 1: I am all animal.  Play me.
 3: Please match me.  I am usually ready to play, but do not usually issue 
\   match requests.
\   --> Tomcat sacrifices the usual Raspberry to the Disinformation Daemon
 6: I am a disciple of the Rating Daemon, to which I dedicate all sacrifices.
 8: Until you are familiar with the moves in Atomic or Thai, play unrated.  
\   That way you won't drag my rating down when you start beating me.
10: Bored with MEWIS?  Chess Variants page (Java based) at 
Statistics for emperor

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Lightning  1610    245.6      1      1      0      2
Bughouse   1428    274.7      1      5      1      7
Crazyhouse 1785     39.0     49     63      1    113   1866 (14-Jan-99)
Atomic     2060     31.9    307     98      6    411   2112 (23-Feb-99)

(Last disconnected Thu Jan 20, 16:42 MET 2000):
Full Name  : Ernst Jan Pluim Mentz
Address    :
Host       :
Statistics for Gummo

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Atomic     2060     96.6     18      2      0     20   2060 (22-Feb-01)

(Last disconnected Fri Mar 15, 14:11 MET 2002):
Full Name  : Osama bin Laden
Address    :
Host       :

 1: Hi from Australia! :)
 2: I like Atomic chess. Do you? match me
Statistics for knighttour(*)(FRM)(VM)(LM)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1902     70.7     62      3      3     68   1902 (06-Dec-99)
Quantum    2200    143.3    149      1      0    150   2200 (07-Feb-00)
Classical  1969    111.4     32      3      0     35   2013 (19-Feb-00)
Crazyhouse 1620     59.9     14     44      0     58   1756 (02-Dec-99)
Atomic     2059     34.2    218     47      1    266   2059 (27-Mar-00)
Suicide    2012    223.3      5      0      0      5
Random     2651    176.1      6      5      0     11
FR         2257     99.8    151      1      0    152   2288 (10-Apr-00)
Wild       2200     37.6    178     18     10    206   2200 (20-Feb-00)

(Last disconnected Tue Mar 18,  0:54 MET 2003):
Admin Level: Help File Librarian  /  Administrator
Full Name  : Chuck Moulton
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 1

 1: Chuck Moulton from Philadelphia, PA.
 3: My handle is knighttour on FICS, MEWIS, ICC, USCL, CICS, and
 4: Variants are much more fun than normal chess.  Variants I play:
 5: Standard, Blitz, Lightning, Quantum, Hourglass, Bughouse, 3 Board Bughouse, 
\   4 Board Bughouse, 5 Board Bughouse, Aerial Bughouse, Crazyhouse, Suicide, 
\   Atomic, Wild 5, Wild 10, Kriegspiel, Progressive, Magnetic, Fairy Tale, 
\   Alice, Fischer Random, Random, Thai, Shogi, Xiangqi, 3 Player Chess, 4 
\   Player Chess, Cylindrical, Infinite, Capablanca's, Mutation, Absorption, 
\   Inverse Capture, Rifle, Kamikaze, Extinction, Take-All, Rotation, 
\   Marseillais, Stealth, Hostage, Insane, Ultima and Command.
 8: Administrator (*).
 9: If you want server help or administrative help, just send me a tell.
mewis% hist knighttour
History for knighttour:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
12: + 2200 W    0 volcano       [ wu 10   0] --- Res Fri Aug  3 09:17:09 2001
13: - 2200 W    0 volcano       [ wu 10   0] --- Mat Fri Aug  3 09:33:13 2001
14: + 2200 B    0 volcano       [ wu 10   0] --- Fla Fri Aug  3 09:57:27 2001
15: - 2651 B    0 volcano       [ ru  3   0] A00 Mat Fri Aug  3 10:03:18 2001
16: - 2059 B 2506 Helenep       [ au  3   0] --- Mat Thu Feb  7 10:11:16 2002
17: + 2059 W 2506 Helenep       [ au  3   0] --- Res Thu Feb  7 10:15:37 2002
18: - 2059 B 2506 Helenep       [ au  3   0] --- Mat Thu Feb  7 10:21:15 2002
19: + 2059 B 1455 volcano       [ au  3   0] --- Mat Fri Feb  8 10:44:51 2002
20: + 2059 W 1455 volcano       [ au  3   0] --- Res Fri Feb  8 10:46:07 2002
21: + 2059 B 1455 volcano       [ au  3   0] --- Mat Fri Feb  8 10:56:17 2002
Statistics for TheDude

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1985    199.2      2      1      0      3
Lightning  1894    264.1      1      0      0      1
Quantum    2078    128.4     25      0      2     27   2078 (28-Sep-00)
Classical  1997    220.3      7      0      0      7
Crazyhouse 1968    101.4      7      8      0     15
Atomic     2049     41.1     43     93      0    136   2217 (23-Sep-00)
Suicide    2134    237.4      3      0      0      3
Random     1922    263.7      2      0      0      2
FR         1882    290.3      1      0      0      1
Wild       1999    198.1      5      0      0      5
Thai       1882    290.3      1      0      0      1

(Last disconnected Sun Feb 23,  6:12 MET 2003):
Full Name  : BoondockSaint aka EdgeCrusher
Address    :
Host       :

History for TheDude:
                  Opponent      Type         ECO End Date
46: - 2062 W 1601 Atomix        [ au  2   0] --- Mat Mon Apr  9 17:14:17 2001
47: - 2062 B 1601 Atomix        [ au  2   0] --- Mat Mon Apr  9 17:17:36 2001
48: + 2062 B 1567 Atomix        [ au  3   0] --- Mat Thu Jan 17 06:28:01 2002
49: + 2062 W 1567 Atomix        [ au  3   0] --- Mat Thu Jan 17 06:30:34 2002
50: - 2062 B 1567 Atomix        [ au  3   0] --- Res Thu Jan 17 06:34:16 2002
51: + 2063 W 1599 Atomix        [ ar  2   0] --- Mat Mon Jun 24 17:32:48 2002
52: - 2048 W 1614 Atomix        [ ar  1   0] --- Mat Mon Jun 24 17:34:54 2002
53: + 2049 B 1583 Atomix        [ ar  1   0] --- Fla Mon Jul 15 01:10:15 2002
54: + 2049 W 1622 Atomix        [ au  3   0] --- Mat Mon Feb 17 22:59:30 2003
55: - 2049 B 1622 Atomix        [ au  1   0] --- Res Mon Feb 17 23:01:01 2003
Statistics for Lena

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Crazyhouse 1221    186.9      4      3      0      7
Atomic     2046     29.6    758    183     30    971   2046 (17-Jan-99)
Suicide    1882    290.3      1      0      0      1

(Last disconnected Sat Feb 27, 22:53 MET 1999):
Full Name  : Leah Ostlund
Address    :
Host       :

 1: If I'm not here, then I'm at FICS ( 5000)
 2: If I'm not at FICS, then I'm at 9999 (Scrabble)
 3: If I'm not at surfers, then I'm here ( 5555)
 4: Full circle :)
Statistics for MiRU

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      2255    169.2      8      0      0      8   2016 (30-Apr-98)
Lightning  1939    161.3      6      2      1      9   1787 (26-Apr-98)
Quantum    1658     85.9     15      8      5     28   1919 (26-Apr-98)
Classical  1882    290.3      1      0      0      1   1882 (30-Apr-98)
Bughouse   1792    198.4     14     10      1     25   1866 (30-Apr-98)
Crazyhouse 2035     52.7     61     18      1     80   2201 (26-Apr-98)
Atomic     2042     52.8     38     22      5     65   2215 (27-Apr-98)
Suicide    2056    215.6      5      0      0      5
Random     2016    200.2      3      0      1      4   1882 (26-Apr-98)
FR         1955    211.1      3      0      1      4
Wild       1970    256.2      2      0      0      2   1970 (30-Apr-98)
Thai       2061     72.6     22      4      5     31   2061 (05-Aug-00)

(Last disconnected Sun Dec 17, 20:23 MET 2000):
Full Name  : Robert Huber
Address    :
Host       :

 1: Robert from Germany
 2: FC Hobbiton (MIE)
 3: .
 4: I will not participate in Championships because I think rule 2.2.a makes 
\   rating points way too important.
 5: To enter the top 6 , you must think of way to improve your rating. If you 
\   reached Top 6, you wouldn't play anymore. Is that what you want?
 6: .
 7: Yes, I am MiRU, and No, I don't prove it. Never!
 8: .
 9: no classical
10: NO QUANTUM! :-)
Statistics for Fredde

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1575    258.4      0      2      0      2   1618 (30-Apr-98)
Lightning  1482    128.1      4     10      0     14
Quantum    1689     51.6     15     33      1     49   1717 (27-Jul-98)
Classical  1744     94.5     15      3      0     18   1558 (30-Apr-98)
Crazyhouse 1813     30.4    112    133      0    245   1873 (27-Jul-98)
Atomic     2000     28.1    669    419     22   1110   2023 (30-Aug-98)
FR         1603    285.7      0      1      0      1
Wild       1603    286.9      0      1      0      1   1603 (30-Apr-98)
Thai       1432    182.2      0      5      0      5

(Last disconnected Wed Feb  6, 18:33 MET 2002):
Full Name  : Fredrik Norstrom
Address    :
Host       :

 1: Fredrik Norstrom Sweden
 2: I prefer atomic and crazyhouse, I don't intend to play bughouse
 3: I'm not using timeseal while it gives lag to me (not losing time of it)
 4: Look at my p:s in slot C vs Atomix especially after move 13
 5: Have I played most atomic games except atomix? message me if you have 
\   played more!
Statistics for JAG(*)

          rating     RD     win   loss   draw  total   best
Blitz      1876     64.0     20     18      5     43   1963 (23-Oct-99)
Standard   1746    169.4      3      3      0      6
Lightning  1737     48.8     46     41      3     90   1853 (23-Jan-99)
Quantum    1574     29.3    172    116     11    299   1918 (03-Jan-99)
Classical  2332    102.3     39      0      1     40   2332 (09-Feb-02)
Crazyhouse 1742     70.7     15     28      0     43   1834 (22-Jan-99)
Atomic     1991     36.9    317     90      4    411   2032 (18-Mar-02)
Suicide    1622    212.8      1      3      0      4
Random     1657    170.6      2      4      0      6
FR         1931    170.6      2      1      1      4
Wild       1991     78.7     30      9      3     42   2017 (26-Sep-99)
Thai       1823    289.5      1      0      0      1

(Last disconnected Sun Mar  2, 16:49 MET 2003):
Admin Level: Administrator
Full Name  : Jamie Glaser
Address    :
Host       :
Comments   : 1

 1: Same lovable JAG from FICS (US)
 2: If you have a question or need help, feel free to ask me anytime
 3: goal: to reach atomic master and grandmaster
 4: My favorite variants are atomic, wild 10, and wild 6.  My least favorite 
\   variant by far is wild 5
 5: Currently working on revising an atomic opening book.  If you have any 
\   suggestions/line, please feel free to message me with them.
 6: I am a disciple of the Uptime Daemon
 7: **ANNOUNCEMENT** from Helenep: The UpTime Daemon is near! Worship it or be 
\   forever damned!
 8: Don't resign/pawn promotion combo: journal game O
 9: Have you sacrificed a goat today?
10: Atomic Chess: things that make you go boom

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