Category: Players
An Atomic Bildungsroman
I first began my atomic chess pages way back on 21 July 2002 and they were hosted at one of my old websites, I had actually begun some study of atomic chess prior to that time, but after starting my website, I studied atomic chess a lot more. The site has transformed itself over…
Letters from Readers
I love getting email from readers. Here’s a few of them from over the years. Most of it is about atomic chess, but sometimes it’s about the other sections of the website. Gannet (29-September-2016) Hello,I have read through your atomic chess page several times, and wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and loved the content….
2019 Atomic World Championship Entrants (and Results)
Ratings subject to change as data comes in or is found. Rankings will all be ‘TBD’ until the list is finalized. For now, these are the order in which people have registered. Prelim Ranks Name Base Rating Performance Rating Seeding Rating 1* onubense 2450¹ (2427, 2828) 2540 2495 2* Xeransis 2300¹ (2404, 2623) 2476 2388…
Vlasov and Atomix(C)
For many people, when they search for information on atomic chess they’re bound to come upon Vlasov’s ATOMIC-HOMEPAGE. The crowning achievement of this webpage is the innumerable people that have been introduced to atomic by reading that webpage. But it’s also a bit empty and one is left wondering… Who exactly was Vlasov? Vlasov was an…
Atomic on MEWIS
I haven’t been able to find as many files as I thought I had from MEWIS – but what little I do have is preserved here to share with others. I’ve managed to secure an old atomic best list from MEWIS and the finger files of a few notable players from this period in atomic…
Atomic on GICS
Atomic was introduced to the ICS world on November 27, 1995 on the German Internet Chess Server. Needless to say, the birthplace of atomic was on GICS. And it was on GICS that the infant game found its first years rich with games and players. The first masters and eekers came into being at GICS. …
ICS Interview – siggemannen
THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 012 – SIGGEMANNEN Interviewed March 2019 First published June 2019 INTERVIEWER Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the ICS Interviews series. SIGGEMANNEN Thank you for the opportunity to get interviewed! It feels nice to be featured among the more famous ICSers! INTERVIEWER When did you first start playing chess online?…
ICS Interview – MoltenThinker
THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 011 – MOLTENTHINKER Interviewed March 2019 First published April 2019 INTERVIEWER Why did you agree to this interview? MOLTENTHINKER I agreed to do this interview for two reasons. First, because you have taken many high quality interviews of players who I truly admire and consider to be my friends….
ICS Interview – Comet
THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 010 – COMET Interview begun March 2011, concluded May 2013 First published March 2019 INTERVIEWER Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the ICS Interviews project. I’m sure several players are eager to hear from you as you’ve disappeared from the ICSscene being last spotted in early 2000. Do you still play chess…
ICS Interview – knighttour
THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 009 – KNIGHTTOUR Interview begun March 2011, concluded May 2013 First published March 2019 INTERVIEWER Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the ICS Interviews project. KNIGHTTOUR [No reply] INTERVIEWER You’ve played several variants both on and offline. Which variants have you preferred to play the most online? And which for offline…