Category: Bughouse

  • ICS Interview – Gnejs

    THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 013 – GNEJSInterviewed August 2019First published September 2019 INTERVIEWER Thanks for doing this interview. You played bughouse and crazyhouse on FICS for many years in the 1990s. Then you took a break for a while. What made you come back to playing? GNEJS Well I suppose the question is…

  • ICS Interview – RFrancisco

    THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 005 – RFRANCISCO Interview conducted February 2011 First published March 2019 INTERVIEWER Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the ICS Interviews series. RFRANCISCO No problem. INTERVIEWER You’re probably best known as a bughouse (and crazyhouse) player on the various _ICS sites you’ve played on, although you’re also well known as a…

  • ICS Interview – Pendor

    THE ICS INTERVIEWS SERIES – No. 002 – PENDOR Interview conducted February 2011 First published May 2011   INTERVIEWERThanks for agreeing to be interviewed as part of the ICS interview series. This will be your first interview, although Flesh did a profile of you back in 1998 and posted a few log files of yours…