FIDA Ratings (1 Dec 2005)

1st FIDA Ratings 1.Dec.2005

ID      Name     AGM Norms  Avg Rating   Tot  5 12 Rat  Gam    3 0 Rat   Gam   1 0 Rat   Gam
0001	tipau(AGM)	0	2316	40	2220	8	2432	16	2297	16
0002	siggemannen(AWC)0	2432	30	2374	6	2432	12	2489	12		
0003	TCK     	1	2294	20	2316	4	2287	8	2278	8		
0004	WildKiller	1	2360	30	2361	6	2383	12	2336	12
0005	MillzesChess	0	2233	20	2220	4	2240	8	2240	8
0006	maciejg 	0	2220	20	2220	4	2239	8	2201	8	
0007	seberg  	0	2252	20	2200	4	2278	8	2278	8		
0008	Bkildahl	0	2193	20	2238	4	2142	8	2142	8
0009	Rekursiv	0	2200	10	2181	2	2219	4	2200	4
0010	Chronatog	0	2146	10	2190	2	2124	4	2124	4		
0011	chessdown	0	2200	10	2162	2	2162	4	2277	4	
0012	Sygate  	0	2137	10	2162	2	2124	4	2124	4
0013	wanderertom	0	2168	10	2162	2	2181	4	2162	4
0014	FoxyFiddler	0	2162	10	2162	2	2162	4	2162	4
0015	grogers 	0	2137	10	2162	2	2124	4	2124	4
0016	luckybbad	0	2137	10	2162	2	2124	4	2124	4

*** Notes ***
This supplement is incomplete as the 2005 Atomic World Championships needs to conclude before
the ratings become official.

Here are a few notes on this rating system:
Average Rating is based on all 3 ratings added / 3. Simple.
Provisional is until you reach 20 games in that category.

You must play both a white and black game for them to be rated.  No one ofs.

Formula is as follows:

Your result
+ W + B +Tot+
+ 1 + 1 +1.0+
+ 1 + 0 +0.4+
+ 1 +0.5+0.7+
+ 0 + 1 +0.6+
+ 0 +0.5+0.3+
+0.5+ 1 +0.8+
+ 0 + 0 +0.0+
+0.5+ 0 +0.2+

Tot produces a number between 1.0 and 0.0.  We call this "Tot"

Now, Rating1 = player 1's rating. And Rating2 = player 2's rating.

For provisional ratings ONLY (<20 games):
If |Rat1-Rat2| > 99, Add .2 to lower rating and Subtract .2 from higher rating. (ON TOT)
If |Rat1-Rat2| > 199, Add .3 to lower rating and Subtract .3 from higher rating. (ON TOT)
If |Rat1-Rat2| > 299, Add .35 to lower rating and Subtract .35 from higher rating. (ON TOT)
If |Rat1-Rat2| > 399, Add .4 to lower rating and Subtract .4 from higher rating. (ON TOT)

*** SPECIAL NOTE *** This does not apply to inital seeding / World Championship games!

Provisional ratings get a multipler of 3! (for first 20 games) -- this is PROVM. Otherwise,
it isn't used!

K-Value of events:
World Champs - 32
Premier Event- 24
League Event - 16
Regular Game -  8

Formula is:


Yes, it is possible for both players to gain points (both win as black).  This rating system
has been calibrated to the uniqueness of atomic chess.

Please let me know if you have any comments or otherwise! (Keep hate to a dull roar please).

(1) AWC Title -- World Champion, ** To be determined in AWC 2005
(2) AGM Titles -- 3 AGM norms
(2a) AGM norms can be gotten for advancing to the semi-finals of an AWC. Finalists get AGM title.
(3) AM Titles -- 3 AM norms
(3a) AM Titles -- If you have an AGM norm, you have an AM title. AM norms are given out in
	Atomic League events and Premier events. *** To be determined later

More info coming later!

*** FLOORS ***
Any Norm:  2000
AM Title:  2200
AGM Title: 2300
Ceiling!:  2800

I think that's about all for now.

[Last modified -- 2 November 2005 -- Chronatog]

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