Category: Rating Systems

  • Rules Template for Running Online World Championships

    After the 2019 Atomic World Championships concluded – I wanted to write up a standard, easily editable template for rules in general. This is the end result of all of that time and work. The 2020 Atomic World Championship is coming up again soon as well. The specific rules for this year’s edition will be…

  • FIDA Ratings (1 Dec 2005)

    1st FIDA Ratings 1.Dec.2005 ID Name AGM Norms Avg Rating Tot 5 12 Rat Gam 3 0 Rat Gam 1 0 Rat Gam ========================================================================================== 0001 tipau(AGM) 0 2316 40 2220 8 2432 16 2297 16 0002 siggemannen(AWC)0 2432 30 2374 6 2432 12 2489 12 0003 TCK 1 2294 20 2316 4 2287 8 2278…